My plants have taken over the condo. It's crazy, but Vai's love seems to have caused them all to become enormous in the 9 days I was gone. They're crazy happy right now, I feel kinda bad that they're back under my care.

Look, I'm tan. Really, really tan. I haven't been tan like this since I was 12 years old spending a summer on the beach in Greece. Clare and I bought these gigantic hats in Hawaii and wore them faithfully all day long. I swear it had nothing to do with how fun it is to wear and enormous beach hat in the correct environment and everything to do with not wanting to burn our delicate flower like skin. Not that we're vain or anything, but at this point, doing all you can to stop the spiderweb like network of tiny wrinkles spiral into a cobweb of frightening proportions is worth $13 for a "Hawaii style hat made in China". Photos to come later.

Should have taken this one with my shirt lifted so you could compare my tanness with my glowing white, nearly nuclear belly. I stand out like a beacon in the night. I have to keep all swimsuit covered areas under cover while sleeping lest Shawn be kept up by the glow.

Ugh. Seattle's so damn lovely, I get misty just looking out my window. Beautiful fall has begun, and the air is still warm, but the breeze has that tinge of winter, that slight snap of cold that just whispers snow around the corner. Or at least some rain at this latitude. It's strange, but that first snowfall every year in Chicago always caused me to crystallize the moment I see it. I would remember it every time it happened. It seemed so damn magical when the first few flakes would begin to come down and it was such a definitive beginning of the next seasonal chapter. Almost makes me long for real winters again. Almost.

So, Mum, I guess I can safely pull out the new scarf and hat you sent me for my birthday. I think it's safe to guess the moths won't have a chance to nibble at the baby alpaca wool, and now I will be the best dressed, most luxurious winter gear wearer in Seattle. Who needs zillions of dollars to buy Prada when I have a blood relative willing to spend countless hours of their lives knitting such beautiful stuff. Can't wait for you to get here!
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