"when the right vintage car comes along that you're meant to have, you'll know."

Crap. It's a Falcon. Who knew? Why a Falcon? I mean, there's so many other cars out there that are much cooler. But, Fred also pointed out, the Falcon is the choice car of Mr. Kavon. So, maybe that's a good thing. Went to a car show with Fred over the weekend. Saw some nice cars.......

It was a lovely day, not too hot.... We wandered around, then went to his shop to look at his old cars. Beautiful things.
Sunday morning I woke up, went to get a cup of coffee, and ran into him.

Boston Terrier/French Bulldog mix. Ugh. I want one so bad! Stupid co-op. Stupid no pet rules.
Then spent the rest of Sunday and most of today with Melissa and her little knee.

We spent the days working on knitting projects, listening to old episodes of This American Life, and watching her knee go up and down. She final got it to bend to 90% today. Yay!

Then I went home and caught the most beautiful sunset over the city. You can see Mt. Rainier looming off to the right; you know, the big volcano that will take us all out someday.....

And the view as I plopped down in the kitchen to tie up some loose internet ends. The sunsets are so pretty here in the fall. I think I'm starting to love this city. A bit.
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