Woke up Saturday morning and went to Ladro. It was kinda like walking into that show, "This is your life". It seemed that everyone decided to stop by at the same time.

All the normal suspects were out. Gossiping, getting their first cup of joe. Catching up at the start of a big day. See, it's Dead Can Dance tonight at the Paramount. Very exciting for all the gothic folks here at Ladro. It's got the same feel as the day of Prom; too bad I don't have that photo to throw in here. The scanner is my next big electronic purchase, so soon all those will come out! Just to get into the flavor of the night, though, I submit my prom photo for the show with my date, Paul.

Don't we look fancy? We had to, I mean, Dead Can Dance is kinda like gothic opera. Plus, they haven't been out touring for 10 years. Last time I saw them was at the Vic in Chicago. To this day, it sticks out in my mind as the fanciest concert I ever went to.

The show was beautiful. Better than I could have hoped for. The audience was a bit crazy, though, as we had a noise nazi in front of us who made me giggle every time she "shuushed" someone. I felt like tapping her on the shoulder after the show and offering up an opera season pass. She seemed the type. Speaking of which, Lisa Gerrard, the lead singer, would make an ass kickin' Erde in the Ring. I mean, really. I kept wanting here to pull it out, but she never did....

Drinks after were at the new Bad Juju Lounge. I feel like a card that I didn't know the bar had moved, but there it was, in it's new home smack dab next to Neumos. It wasn't too crowded, and Paul and I met the camel lady, which is always a nice treat for smokers out for a night on the town.

We proceeded to the drinking, vodka soda for me, martinis for Paul. I can't do martinis. The last time I had one was at the Green Mill in Uptown. Holy crap, I was in a sorry state. Those drinks are pure evil.

Josh and Shawn came out later on and joined us because Paul and I were going on about how great the DJ was. Of course, as soon as they showed up he started playing crrraaapp. But, such is life. All in all, was a very entertaining evening. Much fun was had, and then I slept away half my Sunday.