See, the new camera needed a nice, large memory stick so that I could take copious amounts of silly pictures like this one to illustrate my complete lack of technical language. There's a $30 difference between each of these otherwise identical memory cards. Why? I asked the nice man at the counter and he couldn't tell me. I then said, " is the only difference between memory cards the brand name if the GB are the same? You know, like TDK vs Memorex blank tapes?" He said, "well, like blank CDs now". I felt he was mocking me in some small way. Turd.
Moved on to grocery store.
It's about 5 miles from my neighborhood. It's in Ballard, and aptly named:

I spent way too much time trying to stop myself from buying all the vegetables that are good for me because they're not actually doing any good if you don't consume them. Simply sitting in the fridge gives your body really no nutritional value. So I got some apples, a musk melon, and some grapes to freeze. Yum.

See, it's getting so full. The strange brown tub is freshly ground almond butter. I'll never go peanut again. See, sadly, that's the whole reason to drive five miles to freakin' Ballard. Fresh almond butter.

See, in the Pacific Northwest we do beer.
We do it very well, and with much weight. In factWhen my silly Chicago ass buys a beer at the bar in the middle of a HOT spell (for Seattle) I wisely choose a bud. That's what you do. You drink light, cheap beer. 'Cause it's too freakin' hot. My friend Mike rolls his eyes very dramatically and almost guffaws when I do it next to his very cool Mirror Pond beer. Here's the selection in your average grocery store. Yeah, it's great. I bought a local brew from he Pike Place Brewery here in town called Naughty Nellie.

1 comment:
Dear Jesus, why hast thou unleashed upon the world Ms. Yasmine Kiss armed with internet machine camera?
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