Tuesday, November 28

27 degrees today. With wind chill to 10 degrees. In Seattle. Stupid global warming. Clare and I went to CPR Class today. Yay!

Thursday, November 16

Shawn comes to Denver

I want a German Smoking man. Shawn and I purchased our first Christmas thing. And now I want a little smoking man...

Saturday, October 28

Fall leaves at Poopsie

Shawn keeps sending me these great photos he's taking. They just make me miss home too much!

Monday, October 23

Mustacho Fantastico!

I never shared

Remember last year when all the ladies at work were doing cross stitch? I never shared the one I made for big, strong Shawn. Here it is, my fantastic cross stitch handy-work.

Sunday, October 8

Back I go....

I just got home 5 weeks ago, and now I'm off again. So quickly. Too quickly. I'm heading to Denver on another mammoth road trip. This one is only 1300 miles. An easy 2-dayer. Santa Fe was 1450, so I should really count my blessings. Magic Flute deux, here I come....

Wednesday, October 4

when the color looks great on the swatch

Rolando came to town with the tour of Wicked. I haven't seen him in far too long; we spent the whole two weeks wandering around and fixing up the Poopsie house. Shawn and I went to see Wicked, and then picked out paint colors. Maybe not the best idea......

I have a green den now.
It's green. I mean, we intended on green. A nice, bright, fill the house with light kind of green. Or so we thought.

But really, all it does is scream at me all day long. Hello? I'm hhhhheeeerrreee. I'm greeeeeeen. Want to get anything done? Sorry, no. I'll make you ill all day long because I'm so omni-present. You won't be able to look at anything else because I'm grrreeeeeeennn. Between this and the animal acrobats that danced on the roof all night, it's a frickin' party over here in poopsie.
Crap. I leave for Denver in two days. This just isn't right. Stupid color.

Went for coffee with Kevin the other day. He was full of energy and somewhat spastic. At one point, he just up and ran away to climb these steps. Silly goose. He was goin' all crazy because we (Shawn, Mom, and Tommy) had just gotten back from Hawaii and I was all tan. I made the teeniest little remark on how pale he was, and he couldn't get over his poor choice of wearing black that day. Entertaining all around.

Tuesday, October 3

Oh, let the painting begin....

hmmmmmm. should the living room be blue? the den green? Oh, yeah, and the little nighttime feeders were back the other night. crunch crunch crunch. I made Shawn wake up so he could be terrified with me. Poor guy. Ugh.

Friday, September 29

#67 reason that tells me I'm finally an adult

Shawn and I have been shopping for a couch. I've never purchased a couch. How is this possible? I'm 31.... how have I gotten along in my life never having to spend craploads of money on a couch? We shopped for a looooonnngg time.
Clare is demonstrating me looking at the green room coach in a whole new light. We could reupholster it, give it new shine.... it has good bones....
I found out something new about myself. I hate shopping for furniture. It gives me that sick feeling in the pit of my belly. The money it costs....Jeez, you could go on 3 trips to Europe on the money I'm spending. Bed, couch, closet. Whew- thank god we found one...

It's not nearly as gray as the photo shows....more like a nice moss green. How much of an adult am I now?

Poopsie revealed

It really happened. We bought a poopsie house. It's teenie. It's in the middle of Capitol Hill. I will have to live here forever 'cause its probably the only house I'll almost be able to afford.
The joys of homeowner ship have presented themselves in all sorts of great ways in the one week we've lived here.
The other night we woke up to the sound of chewing. Yes, chewing. It was so loud, it sounded like it was coming from underneath us. Inside the floor of the loft. Yippy! We bought some electronic mouse away gizmo and so far, no more chewing......

Thursday, September 21

Poopsie 2- my new little home

Oh, how I'd love to show it to you. Really. I would. But part of the reason I never update anymore is because the internet connection her at Shawn's place is a little difficult. And it only lets me upload photos once ever great while. So, I have to be satisfied with simply telling you that we bought Poopsie 2. It's true, a second little gingerbread house came on the market in the same complex and we bought it. I get the keys today and woke up this morning like it was Christmas. "Oh my god, I get the keys today" and my eyes flew open to greet the day. You all know what a huge dork I am so really, it's not a surprise. In other news, Rolando is out here for two weeks with the Wicked tour, so I get to drag him all around town going to Home Depot, the storage unit, and other silly tasks. I'll post photos soon!

Friday, September 1

An entire summer has passed

How does that happen? Three months of my life are gone. I didn't even post once to tell you what an amazing and magical time Santa Fe was. I'm a dork. But here are some photos. Oh, and poopsie 2 came on the market and now I'm about to go through my second mid life crisis about a little bungalow. I'm gonna vomit.

Sunday, June 18

Oh, the catching up to do

Ok, so it's been.... a very long time since last I posted. Yes, my little condo sold even though the first buyer dropped out. The second, the vampire, is supposed to be signing docs now, so I should see my little bank account inflate for a brief while.
The poopsie house? It's gone. Lost it by $5000. Which is fine. I don't have another chunk of money like that, so it's fine. Whatever. Now it's all up to Shawn and Brett, my realtor, to find the next place. Makes me giggle sending those two men out all around Seattle to find a home. I wonder what they talk about.....
I got to Santa Fe three weeks ago, and it's been very different from what I expected. Good and bad. Will fill you all in as the summer goes on....
The Roadtrip was so lovely, I can't even begin to describe it. I had no idea how much I needed to just plain hit the road....

See, I wasn't lyin'

Friday, May 12


They called. Said they're waiting a week to see what an open house over the weekend does. Fine. If they had wanted more money, why didn't they simply list it that way? I put in a good, solid, full price offer. Stupid crapheads larger than life.

Thursday, May 11

My little gingerbread house

I put a bid on a little bungalow. It's what my mother would call a "poopsie" house. It's just about as much house as Shawn and I could handle. And it, the bid, expired at 12am last night. It's now a full 12 hours later and I haven't heard a peep from them. Not one little noise that would let me know either way.
I'm trying really hard not to be sad about this. I know as much as anyone what this market is, how strange and awful it could be, and I don't get my hopes up about any part of the process. Hell, my condo was on the market for two and a half months before it sold. In a market where places get into huge bidding wars. you don't get excited about any part of it, and you certainly don't fall in love with places knowing that you can be outbid at any moment.
But, this is my house. It's mine. I knew it the moment I first saw it, and was ready to sell my first born for it. I hadn't even stepped foot inside. It's full of magic and was meant for me. I'm crying so much right now, even as I type this. God, it's just a house. But it's mine. Why don't they call?

Friday, May 5

Mickey B

Oh, poor Clare. It's been a tough show for her. For all of us, really. MacB turns out to be an absolute mess to produce. I don't think I've been through such a difficult show since Hoffmann.
Thank god the weather has been gorgeous and we've gone to the coffee shop for sun on dinner break.
Frank comes and visits Titi on the break, and on that day is was a bit of Pugapalooza outside.
It strange, we're all still together, but with Maddy being in Wardrobe now, we don't get to hang out with her often enough. She's loving the new job, though, and that's all that matters. Ok- off to pack!