Shawn and I have been shopping for a couch. I've never purchased a couch. How is this possible? I'm 31.... how have I gotten along in my life never having to spend craploads of money on a couch? We shopped for a looooonnngg time.

Clare is demonstrating me looking at the green room coach in a whole new light. We could reupholster it, give it new shine.... it has good bones....
I found out something new about myself. I hate shopping for furniture. It gives me that sick feeling in the pit of my belly. The money it costs....Jeez, you could go on 3 trips to Europe on the money I'm spending. Bed, couch, closet. Whew- thank god we found one...

It's not nearly as gray as the photo shows....more like a nice moss green. How much of an adult am I now?