And off we go....Mom and I got an early start on Monday morning heading west via #90. It was a beautiful morning drive.....

The Cascades were just waking up as we drove into the mountains. Mom had a thousand travel books at her feet and read aloud as we drove....

Our first stop was the little town of Roslyn. We were, of course, starving, and got a bite to eat in a little bar. So begins my horrible coffee experiences. They have not gotten better since.

Mom enjoys our little mascot in the back window very much, but we had to get a new one, so.....

Meet Marvin the moose. He sits by my gas gauge and tells us when to refill.

We never stop bird/animal watching. The list goes on and on as to what we've seen so far on our scenic byways. Mountain sheep, falcons, hawks, sandhill cranes, and of course, a million magpies. We were told there were turkeys running around, and spent hours looking for them. I think they were putting us on...

The country is beautiful. We're now in Idaho on our way to Craters of the Moon State Monument. We'll post more later.....